Package 'swfscAirDAS'

Title: Southwest Fisheries Science Center Aerial DAS Data Processing
Description: Process and summarize aerial survey 'DAS' data (AirDAS) <> collected using an aerial survey program from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) <>. PDF files detailing the relevant AirDAS data formats are included in this package.
Authors: Sam Woodman [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sam Woodman <[email protected]>
License: Apache License (== 2)
Version: 0.3.1
Built: 2025-03-02 05:05:40 UTC

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Southwest Fisheries Science Center Aerial Survey DAS


Process and summarize aerial survey DAS data


This package contains functions designed for processing and analyzing aerial survey DAS data (AirDAS) collected using one of the following Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) programs: PHOCOENA, SURVEY, CARETTA, or TURTLE (such as TURTLEP or TURTLE 4D). Functionality includes checking AirDAS data for data entry errors, reading AirDAS data into a data frame, processing this data (extracting state and condition information for each AirDAS event), and summarizing sighting and effort information.


Sam Woodman [email protected]

See Also

Check AirDAS file


Check that AirDAS file has accepted formatting and values


  file.type = c("turtle", "caretta", "phocoena"),
  skip = 0,
  file.out = NULL, = NULL,
  print.transect = TRUE



filename(s) of one or more AirDAS files


character; indicates the program used to create file. Must be one of: "turtle", "caretta", "survey", or "phocoena" (case sensitive). Default is "turtle". Passed to airdas_read


integer: see read_fwf. Default is 0. Passed to airdas_read


character; filename to which to write the error log. Should be a text or CSV file. Default is NULL

character; filename of .dat file from which to read accepted species codes. If NULL, default (internal) file will be used. Default is NULL


logical; indicates if a table with all the transect numbers in the x should be printed using table. Default is TRUE


The default (internal) file is located at system.file("SpCodesAirDAS.dat", package = "swfscAirDAS").

To see the checks performed by this function, you can access the PDF locally at system.file("AirDAS_check.pdf", package = "swfscAirDAS"), or online at

Checks that are not done by this function that may be of interest:

  • Check for valid fish ball/mola/jelly/crab pot codes

  • Check that datetimes are sequential, meaning they 1) are the same as or 2) come after the previous event


A data frame with five columns that list information about errors found in the AirDAS files: the file name, line number, index (row number) from the airdas_read(file) data frame, 'ID' (pre-Data# columns from the DAS file), and description of the issue. This data frame is sorted by the 'Description' column. If there are multiple issues with the same line, the issue descriptions are concatenated together using paste(..., collapse = "; ")

If print.transect is TRUE, then the output of table(x$Data1[x$Event == "T"], useNA = "always"), where x is the output of airdas_read(file, ...) is printed

If file.out is not NULL, then the error log is also written to the file (e.g., a .txt or .csv file) specified by file.out

See Also


y <- system.file("airdas_sample.das", package = "swfscAirDAS")
if (interactive()) airdas_check(y, print.transect = TRUE)

Chop AirDAS data - condition


Chop AirDAS data into a new effort segment every time a condition changes


airdas_chop_condition(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
airdas_chop_condition(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'airdas_df'
  conditions, = 0.1,
  distance.method = NULL,
  num.cores = NULL,



airdas_df object, or a data frame that can be coerced to a airdas_df object. This data must be filtered for 'OnEffort' events; see the Details section below




the conditions that trigger a new segment; see airdas_effort

numeric; minimum allowable segment length (in kilometers). Default is 0.1. See the Details section below for more information


character; see airdas_effort. Default is NULL since these distances should have already been calculated in airdas_effort


See airdas_effort


WARNING - do not call this function directly! It is exported for documentation purposes, but is intended for internal package use only.

This function is intended to only be called by airdas_effort when the "condition" method is specified. Thus, x must be filtered for events (rows) where either the 'OnEffort' column is TRUE or the 'Event' column is either "E" or "O"; see airdas_effort for more details. This function chops each continuous effort section (henceforth 'effort sections') in x into modeling segments (henceforth 'segments') by creating a new segment every time a condition changes. Each effort section runs from a T/R event to its corresponding E/O event. After chopping, airdas_segdata is called (with segdata.method = "maxdist") to get relevant segdata information for each segment.

Changes in the one of the conditions specified in the conditions argument triggers a new segment. An exception is when multiple condition changes happen at the same location, such as a 'TVPAW' series of events. When this happens, no segments of length zero are created; rather, a single segment is created that includes all of the condition changes (i.e. all of the events in the event series) that happened during the series of events (i.e. at the same location). Note that this combining of events at the same Lat/Lon happens even if = 0.

In addition, (almost) all segments whose length is less than are combined with the segment immediately following them to ensure that the length of (almost) all segments is at least This allows users to account for situations where multiple conditions, such as Beaufort and a viewing condition, change in rapid succession, say <0.1 km apart. When segments are combined, a message is printed, and the condition that was recorded for the maximum distance within the new segment is reported. See airdas_segdata, segdata.method = "maxdist", for more details about how the segdata information is determined. The only exception to this rule is if the short segment ends in an "E" or an "O" event, meaning it is the last segment of the effort section. Since in this case there is no 'next' segment, this short segment is left as-is.

If the column dist_from_prev does not exist, the distance between subsequent events is calculated as described in airdas_effort


List of two data frames:

  • x, with columns added for the corresponding unique segment code and number

  • segdata: data frame with one row for each segment, and columns with relevant data (see airdas_effort for specifics)

Chop AirDAS data - equal length


Chop AirDAS data into equal-length effort segments, averaging conditions by segment


airdas_chop_equallength(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
airdas_chop_equallength(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'airdas_df'
  randpicks.load = NULL,
  distance.method = NULL,
  num.cores = NULL,



airdas_df object, or a data frame that can be coerced to a airdas_df object. This data must be filtered for 'OnEffort' events; see the Details section below




see airdas_effort

numeric; target segment length in kilometers


character, data frame, or NULL. If character, must be filename of past randpicks output to load and use (passed to file argument of read.csv). If data frame, randpicks values will be extracted from the data frame. If NULL, new randpicks values will be generated by the function


character; see airdas_effort. Default is NULL since these distances should have already been calculated in airdas_effort


See airdas_effort


WARNING - do not call this function directly! It is exported for documentation purposes, but is intended for internal package use only.

This function is intended to only be called by airdas_effort when the "equallength" method is specified. Thus, x must be filtered for events (rows) where either the 'OnEffort' column is TRUE or the 'Event' column is either "E" or "O"; see airdas_effort for more details. This function chops each continuous effort section (henceforth 'effort sections') in x into modeling segments (henceforth 'segments') of equal length. Each effort section runs from a "T"/"R" event to its corresponding "E"/"O" event. After chopping, airdas_segdata is called to get relevant segdata information for each segment.

When chopping the effort sections in segments of length, there are several possible scenarios:

  • The extra length remaining after chopping is greater than or equal to half of the target segment length (i.e. >= 0.5* the extra length is assigned to a random portion of the effort section as its own segment (see Fig. 1a)

  • The extra length remaining after chopping is less than half of the target segment length (i.e. < 0.5* the extra length is added to one of the (randomly selected) equal-length segments (see Fig. 1b)

  • The length of the effort section is less than or equal to the target segment length: the entire segment becomes a segment (see Fig. 1c)

  • The length of the effort section is zero: a segment of length zero. If there are more than two events (the "T"/R" and "E"/"O" events), the function throws a warning

Therefore, the length of each segment is constrained to be between one half and one and one half of (i.e. 0.5* <= segment length >=1.5*, and the central tendency is approximately equal to the target segment length. The only exception is when a continuous effort section is less than one half of the target segment length (i.e. < 0.5*; see Fig. 1c).

Note the PDF with Figs. 1a - 1c is included in the package, and can be found at: system.file("AirDAS_chop_equallength_figures.pdf", package = "swfscAirDAS")

'Randpicks' is a record of the random assignments that were made when chopping the effort sections into segments, and can be saved to allow users to recreate the same random allocation of extra km when chopping. The randpicks returned by this function is a data frame with two columns: the number of the effort section and the randpick value. Users should save the randpicks output to a CSV file, which then can be specified using the randpicks.load argument to recreate the same effort segments from x (i.e., using the same AirDAS data) in the future. Note that when saving with write.csv, users must specify row.names = FALSE so that the CSV file only has two columns. For an example randpicks file, see system.file("airdas_sample_randpicks.csv", package = "swfscAirDAS")

If the column dist_from_prev does not exist, the distance between subsequent events is calculated as described in airdas_effort


List of three data frames:

  • x, with columns added for the corresponding unique segment code and number

  • segdata: data frame with one row for each segment, and columns with relevant data (see airdas_effort for specifics)

  • randpicks: data frame with record of length allocations (see Details section above)

Chop AirDAS data - section


Chop AirDAS data into effort segments by continuous effort section


airdas_chop_section(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
airdas_chop_section(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'airdas_df'
  distance.method = NULL,
  num.cores = NULL,



airdas_df object, or a data frame that can be coerced to a airdas_df object. This data must be filtered for 'OnEffort' events; see the Details section below




see airdas_effort


character; see airdas_effort. Default is NULL since these distances should have already been calculated in airdas_effort


See airdas_effort


WARNING - do not call this function directly! It is exported for documentation purposes, but is intended for internal package use only.

This function is simply a wrapper for airdas_chop_equallength. It calls airdas_chop_equallength, with set to a value larger than the longest continuous effort section in x. Thus, the effort is 'chopped' into the continuous effort sections and then summarized.

See the Examples section for an example where the two methods give the same output. Note that the longest continuous effort section in the sample data is ~32km.

For an example of how to summarize data by transect, see vignette("swfscAirDAS"). In short, if looking to group by individual transects, use segdata$transect_idx <- cumsum(segdata$event == "T") to create a column with a transect index. Then you can use group_by(transect_idx) and summarise to summarise the desired data by transect


See airdas_chop_equallength. The randpicks values will all be NA


y <- system.file("airdas_sample.das", package = "swfscAirDAS")
y.proc <- airdas_process(y)

y.eff1 <- airdas_effort(y.proc, method = "equallength", = 35, num.cores = 1)
y.eff2 <- airdas_effort(y.proc, method = "section", num.cores = 1)

all.equal(y.eff1, y.eff2)

Extract comments from AirDAS data


Extract comments from airdas_dfr or airdas_df object



## S3 method for class 'data.frame'

## S3 method for class 'airdas_df'

## S3 method for class 'airdas_dfr'



airdas_dfr or airdas_df object, or a data frame that can be coerced to a airdas_dfr object


This function recreates the comment strings by pasting the Data# columns back together for the C events (comments)

See the examples section for how to search for comments with the phrase "record" to determine what extra information (e.g. molas) was being recorded vs ignored.


x, filtered for C events and with the added column comment_str containing the concatenated comment strings


y <- system.file("airdas_sample.das", package = "swfscAirDAS") <- airdas_read(y, file.type = "turtle")


# Extract all comments containing "record"
y.comm <- airdas_comments(
y.comm[grepl("record", y.comm$comment_str, = TRUE), ]

# Extract all comments containing "record", but not "recorder"
y.comm <- airdas_comments(
y.comm[grepl("record", y.comm$comment_str, = TRUE) & 
         !grepl("recorder", y.comm$comment_str, = TRUE), ]
# Join comments with processed data
dplyr::left_join(, y.comm[, c("file_das", "line_num", "comment_str")],
                 by = c("file_das", "line_num"))

Process comments in AirDAS data


Extract miscellaneous information recorded in AirDAS data comments, i.e. comment-data


airdas_comments_process(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
airdas_comments_process(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'airdas_dfr'
airdas_comments_process(x, comment.format = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'airdas_df'
airdas_comments_process(x, comment.format = NULL, ...)



airdas_dfr or airdas_df object, or a data frame that can be coerced to a airdas_dfr object




list; default is NULL. See the 'Using comment.format' section


Historically, project-specific or miscellaneous data have been recorded in AirDAS comments using specific formats and character codes. This functions identifies and extracts this data from the comment text strings. However, different data types have different comment-data formats. Specifically, TURTLE and PHOCOENA comment-data uses identifier codes that each signify a certain data pattern, while other comment-data (usually that of CARETTA) uses data separated by some delimiter.


x, filtered for comments with recorded data, with the following columns added:

  • comment_str: the full comment string

  • Misc#: Some number of descriptor columns. There should be n columns, although the minimum number will be two columns

  • Value: Associated count or percentage for TURTLE/PHOCOENA data

  • flag_check: logical indicating if the TURTLE/PHOCOENA comment string was longer than an expected number of characters, and thus should be manually inspected

See the additional sections for more context. If comment.format is NULL, then the output data frame would two Misc# columns: a level one descriptor, e.g. "Fish ball" or "Jellyfish", and a level two descriptor, e.g. s, m, or c. However, if comment.format$n is say 4, then the output data frame would have columns Misc1, Misc2, Misc3, and Misc4.

Messages are printed if either comment.format is not NULL and not comment-data is identified using comment.format, or if x has TURTLE/PHOCOENA data but no TURTLE/PHOCOENA comment-data

TURTLE and PHOCOENA comment-data

Current supported data types are: fish balls, molas, jellyfish, and crab pots. See any of the AirDAS format PDFs (airdas_format_pdf) for information about the specific codes and formats used to record this data. All comments are converted to lower case for processing to avoid missing data.

These different codes contain (at most): a level one descriptor (e.g. fish ball or crab pot), a level two descriptor (e.g. size or jellyfish species), and a value (a count or percentage). Thus, the extracted data are returned together in this structure. The output data frame is long data, i.e. it has one piece of information per line. For instance, if the comment is "fb1s fb1m", then the output data frame will have one line for the small fish ball and one for the medium fish ball. See Value section for more details.

Currently this function only recognizes mola data recorded using the "m1", "m2", and "m3" codes (small, medium, and large mola, respectively). Thus, "mola" is not recognized and processed.

The following codes are used for the level two descriptors:

Description Code
Small s
Medium m
Large l
Unknown u
Chrysaora c
Moon jelly m
Egg yolk e
Other o

Using comment.format

comment.format is a list that allows the user to specify the comment-data format. To use this argument, data must be separated by a delimiter. This list must contain three named elements:

  • n: A single number indicating the number of elements of data in each comment. Must equal the length of type. A comment must contain exactly this number of sep to be recognized as comment-data

  • sep: A single string indicating the field separator string (delimiter). Values within each comment are separated by this string. Currently accepted values are ";" and ","

  • type: A character vector of length n indicating the data type of each data element (column). All values must be one of: "character", "numeric", or "integer".

For instance, for most CARETTA data comment.format should be list(n = 5, sep = ";", type = c("character", "character", "numeric", "numeric", "character"))


y <- system.file("airdas_sample.das", package = "swfscAirDAS")
y.proc <- airdas_process(y)


airdas_df class


The airdas_df class is a subclass of data.frame, created to provide a concise and robust way to ensure that the input to downstream AirDAS processing functions, such as airdas_sight, adheres to certain requirements. Specifically, objects of class airdas_df are data frames with specific column names and classes, as detailed in the 'Properties of airdas_df' section. In addition, airdas_df objects have no NA values in the 'Lat' 'Lon', or 'DateTime' columns. Objects of class airdas_df are created by airdas_process or as_airdas_df, and are intended to be passed directly to DAS processing functions such as airdas_sight.

Subsetting, say for a specific date or transect number, or otherwise altering an object of class airdas_df will cause the object to drop its airdas_df class attribute, although note that combining two airdas_df objects using rbind will return an object with a airdas_df class attribute. If this object is then passed to a DAS processing function such as airdas_sight, the function will try to coerce the object to a airdas_df object.

Properties of airdas_df objects

Objects of class airdas_df have a class attribute of c("airdas_df", "data.frame"). All values in the OnEffort column must be TRUE or FALSE (no NA values). All on effort events must have non-NA Lat/Lon/DateTime values, and there must be no events with a "#" event code (deleted event). Like airdas_dfr events, there must be a file_type column where all values are one of: "turtle", "caretta", "survey", or "phocoena" (case sensitive; see airdas_read for more details about file types).

In addition, airdas_df objects must have the following column names and classes:

Column name Column class
Event "character"
DateTime c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")
Lat "numeric"
Lon "numeric"
OnEffort "logical"
Trans "character"
Bft "numeric"
CCover "numeric"
Jelly "numeric"
HorizSun "numeric"
VertSun "numeric"
HKR "character"
Haze "logical"
Kelp "logical"
Red tide "logical"
AltFt "numeric"
SpKnot "numeric"
ObsL "character"
ObsB "character"
ObsR "character"
Rec "character"
VLI "character"
VLO "character"
VB "character"
VRI "character"
VRO "character"
Data1 "character"
Data2 "character"
Data3 "character"
Data4 "character"
Data5 "character"
Data6 "character"
Data7 "character"
EffortDot "logical"
EventNum "character"
file_das "character"
line_num "integer"
file_type "character"

See Also


airdas_dfr class


The airdas_dfr class is a subclass of data.frame, created to provide a concise and robust way to ensure that the input to airdas_processadheres to certain requirements. Specifically, objects of class airdas_dfr are data frames with specific column names and classes, as detailed in the 'Properties of airdas_dfr' section. Objects of class airdas_dfr are created by airdas_read or as_airdas_dfr, and are intended to be passed directly to airdas_process.

Subsetting or otherwise altering an object of class airdas_dfr will cause the object to drop its airdas_dfr class attribute, although note that combining two airdas_dfr objects using rbind will return an object with a airdas_dfr class attribute. airdas_process will then try to coerce the object to a airdas_dfr object. It is strongly recommended to pass an object of class airdas_dfr to airdas_process before subsetting, e.g. for events from a certain date range.

Properties of airdas_dfr objects

Objects of class airdas_dfr have a class attribute of c("airdas_dfr", "data.frame"). They must have a column file_type where all values are one of: "turtle", "caretta", "survey", or "phocoena" (case sensitive; see airdas_read for more details). airdas_dfr objects also must not have any NA event codes.

In addition, they must have the following column names and classes:

Column name Column class
Event "character"
EffortDot "logical"
DateTime c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")
Lat "numeric"
Lon "numeric"
Data1 "character"
Data2 "character"
Data3 "character"
Data4 "character"
Data5 "character"
Data6 "character"
Data7 "character"
EventNum "character"
file_das "character"
line_num "integer"
file_type "character"

See Also


Summarize AirDAS effort


Chop AirDAS data into effort segments


airdas_effort(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
airdas_effort(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'airdas_df'
  method = c("condition", "equallength", "section"),
  conditions = NULL,
  distance.method = c("greatcircle", "lawofcosines", "haversine", "vincenty"),
  num.cores = NULL,
  angle.min = 12,
  bft.max = 5,



airdas_df object; output from airdas_process, or a data frame that can be coerced to a airdas_df object


arguments passed to the chopping function specified using method, such as or


character; method to use to chop AirDAS data into effort segments Can be "condition", "equallength", "section", or any partial match thereof (case sensitive)


character vector of names of conditions to include in segdata output. These values must be column names from the output of airdas_process, e.g. 'Bft', 'CCover', etc. The default is NULL, in which case all relevant conditions will be included. If method == "condition", then these also are the conditions which trigger segment chopping when they change.


character; method to use to calculate distance between lat/lon coordinates. Can be "greatcircle", "lawofcosines", "haversine", "vincenty", or any partial match thereof (case sensitive). Default is "greatcircle"


Number of CPUs to over which to distribute computations. Defaults to NULL, which uses one fewer than the number of cores reported by detectCores Using 1 core likely will be faster for smaller datasets


passed to airdas_sight


numeric; the maximum Beaufort (column 'Bft') for which to mark a sighting as TRUE in 'included' (see Details). Default is 5.


This is the top-level function for chopping processed AirDAS data into modeling segments (henceforth 'segments'), and assigning sightings and related information (e.g., weather conditions) to each segment. This function returns data frames with all relevant information for the effort segments and associated sightings ('segdata' and 'sightinfo', respectively). Before chopping, the AirDAS data is filtered for events (rows) where either the 'OnEffort' column is TRUE or the 'Event' column is "E" or "O". In other words, the data is filtered for continuous effort sections (henceforth 'effort sections'), where effort sections run from "T"/"R" to "E"/"O" events (inclusive), and then passed to the chopping function specified using method. All on effort events must not have NA Lat or Lon values; note Lat/Lon values for 1 events were 'filled in' in airdas_process.

The following chopping methods are currently available: "condition", "equallength", and "section". When using the "condition" method, effort sections are chopped into segments every time a condition specified in conditions changes, thereby ensuring that the conditions are consistent across the entire segment. See airdas_chop_condition for more details about this method, including arguments that must be passed to it via ....

The "equallength" method consists of chopping effort sections into equal-length segments of length, and doing a weighted average of the conditions for the length of that segment. See airdas_chop_equallength for more details about this method, including arguments that must be passed to it via ....

The "section" method involves 'chopping' the effort into continuous effort sections, i.e. each continuous effort section is a single effort segment. See airdas_chop_section for more details about this method.

The distance between the lat/lon points of subsequent events is calculated using the method specified in distance.method. If "greatcircle", distance_greatcircle is used, while distance is used otherwise. See airdas_sight for how the sightings are processed.

The sightinfo data frame includes the column 'included', which is used in airdas_effort_sight when summarizing the number of sightings and animals for selected species. airdas_effort_sight is a separate function to allow users to personalize the 'included' values as desired for their specific analysis. By default, i.e. in the output of this function, 'included' is TRUE if: the sighting was a standard sighting (see airdas_sight) and in a Beaufort sea state less than or equal to 'btf.max'.


List of three data frames:

  • segdata: one row for every segment, and columns for information including unique segment number, event code that started the associated continuous effort section, the starting and ending line of the segment in the DAS file (stlin, endlin), start/end/midpoint coordinates(lat1/lon1, lat2/lon2, and mlat/mlon, respectively), the start/end/midpoint date/time of the segment (DateTime1, DateTime2, and mDateTime, respectively; mDateTime is the average of DateTime1 and DateTime2), segment length (dist), and conditions (e.g. Beaufort)

  • sightinfo: details for all sightings in x, including: the unique segment number it is associated with, segment mid points (lat/lon), the 'included' column described in the Details section, and the output information described in airdas_sight

  • randpicks: see airdas_chop_equallength. NULL if using "condition" method.


y <- system.file("airdas_sample.das", package = "swfscAirDAS")
y.proc <- airdas_process(y)

  y.proc, method = "condition", conditions = "Bft", = 0.05, 
  num.cores = 1

y.rand <- system.file("airdas_sample_randpicks.csv", package = "swfscAirDAS")
  y.proc, method = "equallength", conditions = c("Bft", "CCover"), = 3, randpicks.load = y.rand, num.cores = 1

airdas_effort(y.proc, method = "section", num.cores = 1)

Summarize AirDAS sightings by effort segment


Summarize number of sightings and animals for selected species by segment


airdas_effort_sight(x.list,, = c("S", "t"))



list; output of airdas_effort

character; species code(s) to include in segdata. These code(s) will be converted to lower case to match airdas_sight

character; event code(s) to include in the sightinfo output. This argument supersedes the 'included' value when determining whether a sighting is included in the segment summaries. Must be one or more of: "S", "t" (case-sensitive). The default is that all of these event codes are kept


This function takes the output of airdas_effort and adds columns for the number of sightings (nSI) and number of animals (ANI) for selected species (selected via for each segment to the segdata element of x.list. However, only sightings with an included value of TRUE (included is a column in sightinfo) are included in the summaries. Having this step separate from airdas_effort allows users to personalize the included values as desired for their analysis.


A list, identical to x.list except for 1) the nSI and ANI columns added to x.list$segdata, one each for each element of, and 2) the included column of x.list$sightinfo, which has been set as FALSE for sightings of species not listed in


y <- system.file("airdas_sample.das", package = "swfscAirDAS")
y.proc <- airdas_process(y)
y.cond <- airdas_effort(
  y.proc, method = "condition", conditions = "Bft", = 0.05, 
  num.cores = 1

airdas_effort_sight(y.cond, = c("mn", "bm"))

Aerial DAS format requirements


Access and save local PDF documents describing the data format of the different file types supported by swfscAirDAS


airdas_format_pdf(file, file.type = c("phocoena", "caretta", "turtle"), ...)



character; the name of the file where the PDF will be saved


character; indicates which data format PDF to extract. Must be one of: "turtle", "caretta", "survey", or "phocoena" (case sensitive)


passed to file.copy; might included named argument overwrite


This function is a wrapper function for file.copy. It saves a PDF document describing the specified aerial DAS data format requirements by copying the PDF document to file

The PDF files can also be manually copied or downloaded from:





output of file.copy: TRUE if writing of file was successful, and FALSE otherwise

See Also


if (interactive()) {
    "AirDAS_Format_TURTLE.pdf", file.type  = "turtle", 
    overwrite = FALSE

Process aerial survey DAS data


Process AirDAS data (the output of airdas_read), including extracting state and condition information for each AirDAS event


airdas_process(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
airdas_process(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
airdas_process(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'airdas_dfr'
  x, = 0.5/24, = 12/24,
  gap.message = FALSE,
  reset.transect = TRUE,
  trans.upper = FALSE,



an object of class airdas_dfr object, an object that can be coerced to class airdas_dfr, or a character (filepath) which is first passed to airdas_read


passed to airdas_read if x is a character. Otherwise ignored

numeric of length 1; time gap (in days) used to identify when a 'partial reset' is performed, i.e. when propagated info (weather, observers, etc) is reset. Default is 30 minutes; must be less than or equal to

numeric of length 1; time gap (in days) used to identify when a 'full reset; is performed, i.e. when all info (transect number and propagated info) is reset. Default is 12 hours; must be greater than


logical; default is FALSE. Indicates if messages should be printed detailing which row(s) of the output data frame were partially or fully reset


logical; default is TRUE. Indicates if propagated info (weather, observers, etc) should be reset to NA when beginning a new transect. See Details section


logical; indicates if all transect codes should be capitalized using toupper. Default is FALSE


If x is a character, it is assumed to be a filepath and first passed to airdas_read. This output is then processed.

This function cannot handle concatenated airdas_dfr objects of multiple file types. In other words, AirDAS data must be processed and then concatenated.

AirDAS data is event-based, meaning most events indicate when a state or weather condition changes. For instance, a 'W' event indicates when one or more weather conditions (such as Beaufort sea state) change, and the weather conditions are the same for subsequent events until the next 'W' event. For each state/condition: a new column is created, the state/condition information is extracted from relevant events, and extracted information is propagated to appropriate subsequent rows (events). Thus, each row in the output data frame contains all pertinent state/condition information for that row.

The following assumptions/decisions are made during processing:

  • All '#' events (deleted events) are removed

  • 'DateTime', 'Lat', and 'Lon' information are added to '1' events where applicable

  • Effort is determined as follows: T/R events turns effort on, and O/E events turn effort off. T/R events themselves will be on effort, while O/E events will be off effort. The 'EffortDot' column is ignored

  • 'HKR' values are converted to lower case. "Y" values are considered to be "H" values

  • Observer ('ObsL', 'ObsB', 'ObsR', 'Rec') values are converted to lower case

  • Viewing condition ('VLI', 'VLO', 'VB', 'VRI', 'VRO') values are converted to lower case

  • Missing values are NA rather than -1

Normally, a T event (to indicate starting/resuming a transect) is immediately followed by a VPAW event series, creating a TVPAW event series. The reset.transect argument causes the conditions set in the VPAW event series (Beaufort, viewing conditions, altitude, etc.) to be reset to NA at each T event


An airdas_df object, which is also a data frame. It consists of the input data frame, i.e. the output of airdas_read, with the following columns added:

State/condition Column name Notes
On/off effort OnEffort
Transect code Trans
Beaufort sea state Bft
Percent overcast (cloud cover) CCover
Jellyfish code Jelly not in PHOCOENA data
Horizontal sun (clock system) HorizSun
Vertical sun (clock system) VertSun only in PHOCOENA data
Haze/Kelp/Red tide code HKR
Haze (from HKR code) Haze
Kelp (from HKR code) Kelp
Red tide (from HKR code) RedTide
Altitude (feet) AltFt
Speed (knots) SpKnot
Left observer ObsL
Belly observer ObsB
Right observer ObsR
Data recorder Rec
Viewing condition - left inside VLI
Viewing condition - left outside VLO
Viewing condition - belly VB
Viewing condition - right inside VRI
Viewing condition - right outside VRO

See airdas_format_pdf for which data columns the condition information is extracted form for each file type. In addition, warnings are printed with line numbers of unexpected event codes


y <- system.file("airdas_sample.das", package = "swfscAirDAS")
airdas_process(y, trans.upper = FALSE) <- airdas_read(y)

Read AirDAS file(s)


Read one or more fixed-width aerial survey DAS text file(s) generated by TURTLEP, or another AirDAS program, into a data frame, where each line is data for a specific event


  file.type = c("turtle", "caretta", "survey", "phocoena"),
  skip = 0,
  tz = "UTC",



filename(s) of one or more AirDAS files


character; indicates the program used to create file. Must be one of: "turtle", "caretta", "survey", or "phocoena" (case sensitive). Default is "turtle"


integer: see read_fwf. Default is 0


character; see strptime. Default is UTC




Reads/parses aerial survey DAS data into columns of a data frame. If file contains multiple filenames, then the individual data frames will be combined using rbind

See airdas_format_pdf for information about AirDAS format requirements for the specific file types (programs)


An airdas_dfr object, which is also a data frame, with AirDAS data read into columns. The data are read into the data frame as characters, with the following exceptions:

Name Class Details
EffortDot logical TRUE if "." was present, and FALSE otherwise
DateTime POSIXct combination of 'Date' and 'Time' columns, with time zone tz
Lat numeric 'Latitude' columns converted to decimal degrees in range [-90, 90]
Lon numeric 'Longitude' columns converted to decimal degrees in range [-180, 180]
Data# character leading/trailing whitespace trimmed for non-comment events (i.e. where 'Event' is not "C" )
file_das character base filename, extracted from the file argument
line_num integer line number of each data row
file_type character file.type argument


y <- system.file("airdas_sample.das", package = "swfscAirDAS")
airdas_read(y, file.type = "turtle")

Summarize AirDAS data for a continuous effort section


Summarize AirDAS effort data by effort segment, while averaging conditions


airdas_segdata(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
airdas_segdata(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'airdas_df'
  segdata.method = c("avg", "maxdist"),



airdas_df object, or a data frame that can be coerced to a airdas_df object. Must contain a single continuous effort section of AirDAS data; see the Details section below




see airdas_effort, or see Details section for more information


character; either "avg" or "maxdist". "avg" means the condition values will be calculated as a weighted average by distance, while "maxdist" means the condition values will be those recorded for the longest distance during that segment


numeric; length of the modeling segments into which x will be chopped

numeric; the ID of x (the current continuous effort section)


WARNING - do not call this function directly! It is exported for documentation purposes, but is intended for internal package use only.

This function was designed to be called by one of the airdas_chop_ functions, e.g. airdas_chop_equallength, and thus users should avoid calling it themselves. It loops through the events in x, calculating and storing relevant information for each modeling segment as it goes. Because x is a continuous effort section, it must begin with a "T" or "R" event and end with the corresponding "E" or "O" event.

For each segment, this function reports the segment ID, transect code, the start/end/mid coordinates (lat/lon), start/end/mid date/times (DateTime), segment length, year, month, day, time, observers, and average conditions (which are specified by conditions). The segment ID is designated as _ index of the modeling segment. Thus, if is 1, then the segment ID for the second segment from x is "1_2".

When segdata.method is "avg", the condition values are calculated as a weighted average by distance. The reported value for logical columns (e.g. Haze) is the percentage (in decimals) of the segment in which that condition was TRUE. For character columns, the reported value for each segment is the unique value(s) present in the segment, with NAs omitted, pasted together via paste(..., collapse = "; "). When segdata.method is "maxdist", the reported values are, for each condition, the value recorded for the longest distance during that segment (with NAs omitted).

Transect code, file name, and vent code that started the continuous effort section are also included in the segdata output. These values (excluding NAs) must be consistent across the entire effort section, and thus across all segments in x; a warning is printed if there are any inconsistencies.

bearing and destination are used to calculate the segment start, mid, and end points, with method = "vincenty".


Data frame with the segdata information described above and in airdas_effort

Aerial DAS sightings


Extract sighting information from aerial DAS data


airdas_sight(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
airdas_sight(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'airdas_df'
airdas_sight(x, angle.min = 12, ...)



airdas_df object; output from airdas_process, or a data frame that can be coerced to a airdas_df object




numeric; the minimum (absolute value) angle for which to consider a sighting a standard sighting. Default is 12


AirDAS events contain specific information in the 'Data#' columns, with the information depending on the event code and file type for that row. This function extracts relevant data for sighting events, and returns a data frame with dedicated columns for each piece of sighting information. It can handle multiple file types in x; for instance, x could be processed PHOCOENA and TURTLE data combined using rbind. See airdas_format_pdf for more information about the expected events and event formats, depending on the file type.

All species codes are converted to lower case using tolower.

Abbreviations used in column names include: Gs = group size, Sp = species, Mixed = mixed species (multi-species) sighting. In addition, note that multi-species group sizes are rounded to the nearest whole number using round(, 0)

A 'sighting by a standard observer' ('ObsStd') is a sighting made by ObsL, ObsB, or ObsR (not the data recorder or pilot). A 'standard sighting' ('SightStd') is a sighting that was made while on effort, by a standard observer, and with the absolute value of the angle of declination being greater than or equal to angle.min. Resights (Events 's') are not considered standard events, and thus both 'ObsStd' and 'SightStd' will be NA for 's' events.


Data frame with 1) the columns from x, excluding the 'Data#' columns, and 2) columns with sighting information extracted from 'Data#' columns as described below. The data frame has one row for each sighting, or one row for each species of each sighting if it is a multi-species (mixed) sighting.

Added sighting information columns:

Sighting information Column name Notes
Sighting number SightNo
Observer that made the sighting Obs
Angle of declination Angle Left is negative
Sighting by standard observer ObsStd Logical; described in Details
Standard sighting SightStd Logical; described in Details
Mixed species sighting Mixed Logical
Species code SpCode All characters converted to lower case
Group size of school GsTotal Only different from GsSp for mixed species sightings
Group size of species GsSp
Turtle length (feet if numeric) TurtleSize NA for non-"t" events; may be character or numeric
Turtle travel direction (degrees) TurtleDirection NA for non-"t" events
Turtle tail visible? TurtleTail NA for non-"t" events

The TurtleSize will be of class character is there is any CARETTA data in x, and of class numeric otherwise.


y <- system.file("airdas_sample.das", package = "swfscAirDAS")
y.proc <- airdas_process(y)


Coerce object to a airdas_df object


Check if an object is of class airdas_df, or coerce it if possible.



## S3 method for class 'airdas_df'

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'



An object to be coerced to class airdas_df


Currently only data frames can be coerced to an object of class airdas_df. If x does not have column names, classes, and contents as specified in airdas_df, then the function returns an error message detailing the first column that does not meet the airdas_df requirements.


An object of class airdas_df

See Also


Coerce object to a airdas_dfr object


Check if an object is of class airdas_dfr, or coerce it if possible.



## S3 method for class 'airdas_dfr'

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'



An object to be coerced to class airdas_dfr


Currently only data frames can be coerced to an object of class airdas_dfr. If x does not have column names and classes as specified in airdas_dfr, then the function returns an error message detailing the first column that does not meet the airdas_dfr requirements.


An object of class 'airdas_dfr'

See Also


Subsetting objects created using swfscAirDAS


Subsetting airdas_dfr or airdas_df objects


## S3 method for class 'airdas_dfr'
x[i, j, ..., drop = TRUE]

## S3 replacement method for class 'airdas_dfr'
x$name <- value

## S3 replacement method for class 'airdas_dfr'
x[i, j, ...] <- value

## S3 replacement method for class 'airdas_dfr'
x[[i]] <- value

## S3 method for class 'airdas_df'
x[i, j, ..., drop = TRUE]

## S3 replacement method for class 'airdas_df'
x$name <- value

## S3 replacement method for class 'airdas_df'
x[i, j, ...] <- value

## S3 replacement method for class 'airdas_df'
x[[i]] <- value



object of class airdas_dfr or airdas_df

i, j, ...

elements to extract or replace, see [.data.frame


logical, see [.data.frame


A literal character string or ..., see [.data.frame


A suitable replacement value, see [.data.frame


When subsetting a airdas_dfr or airdas_df object, henceforth a airdas_ object, using any of the functions described in [.data.frame, then then the airdas_ class is simply dropped and the object is of class data.frame. This is because of the strict format requirements of airdas_ objects; it is likely that a subsetted airdas_ object will not have the format required by subsequent swfscAirDAS functions, and thus it is safest to drop the airdas_ class. If a data frame is passed to downstream swfscAirDAS functions that require a airdas_ object, then they will attempt to coerce the object to the necessary airdas_ class See as_airdas_dfr and as_airdas_df for more details.


y <- system.file("airdas_sample.das", package = "swfscAirDAS") <- airdas_read(y)

# All return a data frame:
class([1:10, ])
class([, 1:10])

y.df <-
y.df[, 1] <- "a"

y.df <-
y.df$Event <- "a"

y.df <-
y.df[["Event"]] <- "a"